In a written reply to the Rajya Sabha, Minister of State for Defence V K Singh said the government has been maintaining high level contacts with all the leaders in West Asia and India's position has been guided by the country's long standing ties with the region.
"Government is concerned at the deteriorating security situation in West Asia and is continuously monitoring it," Singh said.
Responding to a question regarding India's response for safeguarding its trade and energy requirement issues with West Asia, Singh, a former Army Chief, said, "Despite challenges of regional security situation, India's bilateral relations with all countries of the region have been progressing structurally towards safeguarding our interests."
He added that "there has been no negative impact on our trade and energy stakes". The minister said India follows a policy of "non-interference in the internal affairs of states or being prescriptive", which also impacts bilateral ties.
The conflict in Iraq and Syria have also raised concerns over uninterrupted supply of energy to India.