Retorting to Kiran Bedi's attack on CAG reports on coal blocks, airport and power projects at a seminar here, the minister also hit out at the disbanded Team Anna saying that people born from a "special mould" can question others but they themselves were above board and "are not to be questioned".
Defending the government on the CAG reports, Khurshid said the decisions taken were transparent "and will be supported by arguments that we will place before the nation."
He said the opposition parties were "executing" a person without even allowing a "fair trial" to be held.
Referring to the decision making process of the government, he said the "theory of honest mistake" should be followed.
"It cannot be that everything done wrong is a criminal offense.... It is very easy to execute on an intuition," he said, adding that his reference to mistakes "is not an alibi for corruption.
Referring to the CAG reports, Bedi said while Delhi Police plans to brainmap Gitika Sharma suicide accused Gopal Kanda, there is no provision to carry out similar tests on people accused in scams. She also displayed the copy of a newspaper with a headline on the CAG's estimate of loss to the exchequer.
In his response, Khurshid said there is somebody in the country who is "above and question. Who will be able to decide what the judges should do, what the Prime Minister should do, because somehow they are born from a special mould...They are not to be questioned..." (MORE)