The government has disbursed the first instalment of Rs 15,841 crore to 7.92 crore farmers under the PM-KISAN scheme, since March 24, the day lockdown was announced to curb COVID-19.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme, the Centre transfers an amount of Rs 6,000 per year, in three equal instalments, directly into the bank accounts of farmers, subject to certain exclusion criteria relating to higher income status.
"During the lockdown period from March 24, about 7.92 crore farmer families have been benefited (under PM-KISAN) and an amount of Rs 15,841 crore has been released so far," the agriculture ministry said in a statement on Friday.
In order to give immediate relief to farmers affected by the nationwide lockdown, the government had on March 27 promised to transfer the first installment of Rs 2,000 to each of 8.69 crore beneficiaries under the scheme, in the first week of April.
The country is under a lockdown till April 14 to prevent the spread of coronavirus that has impacted more than 190 countries in the world.