The Congress Monday accused the BJP-led central government of embarking on a "witch-hunt" and claimed that it was putting pressure on the machinery to revoke the lease of the Herald House at any cost, but its design would be defeated.
Senior Congress leader and party treasurer Ahmed Patel said National Herald, Qaumi Awaz and Navjivan -- all the newspapers run by the National Herald newspapers from the Herald House had the spine to speak the truth, which made those in power uneasy.
"The BJP Government has embarked on a witch hunt and is pressurising the machinery to revoke lease of Herald House at any cost. National Herald, Qaumi Awaz and the Navjivan have the spine to speak the truth which makes those in power uneasy.
"The Government's design will be defeated," he said on Twitter.
The authorities have issued notices to National Herald on why action should not be initiated against the publication for non-use of land for its original purpose.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing a poll rally in Chhattisgarh's Bilaspur, attacked Congress chief Rahul Gandhi and his mother Sonia Gandhi Monday, saying he did not need a "certificate of honesty" from the "mother-son duo" who were out on bail.
Modi's remarks were an apparent reference to the bail granted by a Delhi court to Rahul and Sonia in December, 2015 in connection with alleged financial irregularities in the National Herald case.