"Inputs used in ship manufacturing and repair have been exempted from Customs and Central Excise Duties with effect from November 24, 2015," an official statement said.
Prior to this exemption, while ships could be imported at almost negligible rates of Basic Customs Duty (BCD) and nil rates of Countervailing Duty (CVD), the inputs used in ship manufacturing and repair attracted normal rates of BCD and CVD.
This had put the Indian shipyards, who build ships for the domestic market, at cost disadvantage.
Ministry of Finance has now exempted customs and central excise duties on inputs utilised for the purpose of manufacture of ships vide general exemption notifications with effect from November 24, 2015, it said.
"The exemption will go a long way in creating a proactive environment for the growth of this strategic industry, which will not only generate considerable employment but also play a significant role in fostering economic growth and EXIM trade in the country," the statement said.