Maharashtra Deputy Chief MinisterAjit Pawar on Wednesday said the state government is committed to resolving water scarcity in the state anddiscussions are underway on how to implement the proposed 'Marathwada water grid' envisaged by the previousregime.The Marathwada water grid wasconceptualised by the Devendra Fadnavis-led government in 2019, under whicharound 167 TMC water from Konkan region, which flows into the sea, will be lifted to Godavari basin, from where it will be taken to drought-prone Marathwada.The cost of the project was around Rs 20,000 crore.Pawar, who is also the state's finance minister, spoke about the issue in the Assembly during Question hour, when grid works in Osmanabad andLatur districts were discussed.The deputy chief minister said he has held discussions with state ministers Ashok Chavan and Amit Deshmukh, who belong to Marathwada.Some dams are full while some are not. Electricity will be neededto lift water from the Godavari basin to Marathwada, he said."The question is, which cities will bear the cost of electricity. Similarly, the issue is whether to prioritise drinking water or water for agricultural use," he said.Pawar saidthe government will also study the feasibility of implementing the water grid project in phases.Earlier, Water Supply Minister Gulabrao Patil informed that tenders had been called for Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM), worth Rs 3,122.48 crore, to set up water gridsin Osmanabad and Latur districts.