The banking sector has been allocated an overall disbursement target of Rs 1,22,188 crore during 2015-16 for MUDRA loans and the banks have already disbursed Rs 15,566 crore as on August 17 to more than 20 lakh borrowers under PMMY, a Finance Ministry statement said.
"Banks are making best possible efforts to popularise the scheme. Awareness camps are also being organised at various locations by the banks," it said.
"Besides, it has been decided to organise mega credit camps across the country between September 25, and October 2, for PMMY loans so that maximum number of borrowers could get credit as per their requirement under the three categories of loans," the statement added.
The scheme was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in April.
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Three products available under the PMMY are Shishu, Kishor and Tarun to signify the stage of growth and funding needs of the beneficiary micro unit or entrepreneur.
Shishu covers loans up to Rs 50,000 while Kishor covers above Rs 50,000 and up to Rs 5 lakh. Tarun category provides loans of above Rs 5 lakh and up to Rs 10 lakh.