The Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016 brought out by the Environment Ministry also makes it mandatory for local authorities to commission C&D waste plants in million-plus population cities within 18 months, cities with population of 5-10 lakhs within two years and cities having less than 5 lakh people within three years.
The rules also make it mandatory for large builders or waste generators to submit waste management plan along with their building plan, non-deposition of which may lead to non-grant of permission to the building.
"For the first time in the country, the government has come out with construction and demolition waste management rules. Its an initiative to tackle effectively the issue of pollution. Today as per Department of Science and Technology estimate, annual generation of such waste is 530 million tonnes. Without any rules, it is dumped in open spaces, drains, rivers, forest areas, landfills and roadside.
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Elaborating on some of the features, he said, "For every large generator, the permission for his building plan will only be given when he presents C&D disposal plan. So C&D waste management also becomes part of building permission.
(Reopens DEL34)
Javadekar said that all these rules will finally mean that there cannot be unscientific dumping of the waste and every person responsible for generation of such waste has to abide by the rules.
"Today in big cities, 20 per cent of pollution is caused by dust. We have already issued orders under section 18 as far as NCR is concerned that one has to put up a curtain where construction and demolition is going on...
According to the ministry, City Ambient Air Quality is reported to be detoriating and the construction and demolition activity is one of the major source of particular matter especilly in cities contributing to 22-23 per cent.
It said that estimated waste generation during construction presently is 40-60 kg/sqm while waste generation during renovation or repair work is estimated to be 40-50 kg/sqm.
"Local authorities are mandatorily to commission C&D waste based plants in million plus cities within one and a half years, cities with population of 5-10 lakhs within two years and other cities within three years.
"Large generators (producing above 20 tonnes of waste per day or 300 tonnes per project) have to submit waste management plan to address environmental issues including its disposal, reuse for approval of local authorities. Local authorities have to approve such plan along with building plan," according to the new rules.
The service providers for telecom, water supply, sewage, gas pipeline and others have to remove all construction and demolition waste in consultation with the authority concerned. State governments have to provide sites for setting up of storgage, processing and recyling facilities for C&D waste within one-and-a-half years.
The rules also said that the secretary of Urban Development department will have to prepare C&D waste management policy within a year. The standards will be developed by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for C&D products and schedule of rates of the construction agencies to be amended to incorporate these products.