Replying to a question of Thakur Gulab Singh (BJP), the chief minister placed detailed information in the House but the BJP members were not satisfied with the reply and wanted to know the details of jobs granted through HPSEB, on compassionate grounds.
Singh said that the information was not available and would be given later.
Ishwar Dass (BJP) said that this was for the fourth time that the information had not been provided but the chief minister said that as the information pertained to entire state it was taking time to collect it.
He said that the government was floating tenders for a period of six months instead of three months to ensure regular supply of essential items under PDS and said that as sugar had been decontrolled by the government of India, the state government was procuring it at its own level.
He denied the charge of supplying of any sub-standard wheat flour and asked the MLA to name the depot so that the matter could be enquired into.