Speaking on the occasion, Coal and Power Minister Piyush Goyal said the portal symbolises the level of transparency that the government has promised to people and represents co-operative federalism of all the stakeholders.
Speaking high of the portal, the minister urged Coal India Ltd (CIL) to create its own mobile application. He also suggested tying up with the Railways for coal rake booking of smaller quantities through the portal. Goyal also took feedback from the stakeholders present at the event.
Motivating states for paperless communication, Swarup said digitising information and putting it in public ambit will save time and energy of government departments.
The portal will provide small and medium consumers access to information about state-nominated agencies (SNAs), availability and booking/supply distribution of coal in the public domain.
It offers facility of online registration to consumers, provides monitoring of sales margins of SNAs and acts as a platform to consumers for feedback.