Multi-locational field trails of transgenic silkworm have been initiated in "contained facilities" after the approval of Review Committee of Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) at four locations.
The trials are being conducted at Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute (CSR&TI), Mysore, CSR&TI, Berhampore, CSR&TI, Pampore and Andhra Pradesh State Sericulture Research and Development Institute (APSSRDI), Hindupur.
The loss of life of silkworms due to disease prompted the research group of Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh State Sericultural Research and Development Institute (APSSRDI), Hindupur to develop transgenic silkworms resistant to BmNPV virus. This type of silkworms can be reared by the farming community through the year.
"This is for the first time that the RCGM has given permission to conduct field trials on any animal or insect," Mohammed Aslam, a senior scientist and adviser to the Department of Biotechnology under the Ministry of Science and Technology (S&T) told PTI.
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improvement in the production of bivoltine silk. However, the rearing of bivoltine silkworm hybrids is not possible through the year, leading to dependence on inferior cross-bred hybrids especially during adverse climatic conditions (March-August). During this period, there is a crop loss to the extent of 30-40 per cent due to BmNPV infection.
"This crucial factor prompted the research group of Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh State Sericultural Research and Development Institute (APSSRDI), Hindupur to develop transgenic silkworms resistant to BmNPV which can be reared by the farming community throughout the year.
"With the introduction of transgenic silkworm hybrids, apart from the resistance in the hybrid, the quality parameters with reference to silk grade will improve as compared to the present commercial hybrids.
"Based on the series of trials conducted at lab level, it was observed that the transgenic silkworm hybrids once introduced at commercial level will be a boon to the sericulturists," Aslam told