In the last 3 years, GSI carried out gold exploration work in Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh, Union Minister Piyush Goyal said in a written reply in Lok Sabha.
"As a result of the exploration work of GSI, 9.8 MT of gold resources were established in the state of Rajasthan (6.78 MT), Jharkhand (2 MT) and Karnataka (1.02 MT) during the field seasons 2012-13, 2-13-14 and 2014-15," he added.
"The proposed capacity of mine is 0.3 MT per annum. The turnover will depend on the actual sale price of bauxite in the year when bauxite production starts," the Minister said.
However, as per the feasibility report of mining in the block prepared by MECL in December 2015, the turnover is expected to increase by Rs 28 crore, he added.