The party discussed the issue at a meeting of its Parliamentary Party during which it also criticised the government's White Paper on Blackmoney, which, it said, was "blank" and hid more than it revealed.
"The government has run away on Lokpal issue. It wants to delay the Lokpal issue," it said while taking strong objection to the government's handling of the issue.
"Both the intention and policy of the government are not right on the issue. It only knows how to show off. Last time it got a copy of the Lokpal Bill torn and this time it got a resolution from another party. The government intends to delay the Lokpal Bill somehow," party spokesman Shahnawaz Hussain told reporters after the meeting.
BJP also said that there was no "fix up" with the government on the issue of sending the Lokpal Bill to the Standing Committee.
"BJP wanted the Lokpal Bill to be passed by Parliament... It will put in every effort to get the bill passed. BJP will put all its strength to get the bill passed," Hussain said.