The mobile application, named 'Pashu Poshan', was launched by the Union Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh.
The application, which will be available on both web and android platforms, can be accessed by registering on the INAPH portal (
"This application will benefit dairy farmers across the country. They will get information about balanced ration for their cows and buffaloes through this application," Singh said, adding that the use of this application will boost milk output and income of dairy farmers.
"We have already collected profiles of 6 lakh milch animals in 40,000 villages and recommended farmers about the balanced feed and fodder for their cattle.
"This resulted in reducing the feed cost by Rs 5-15 per day per animal and an average increase in milk production by an average 300 ml per animal per day. Now, we will provide this facility across the country through this mobile app," NDDB Chairman T Nanda Kumar told reporters.