Besides, till now, Rs 15.50 crore have been collected at various government offices in Maharashtra's 17 cities covered under the AMRUT (Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation) scheme. Also, Rs 4 crore have been collected at the nagar parishads.
These are the payments citizens made to clear their dues at government offices in urban local bodies, an official of the Chief Minister's Office said.
The decision was implemented with immediate effect.
The state Urban Development Department also issued a GR to this effect last night.
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The Centre had earlier accepted the state government's request to allow Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes for payment of electricity bill, water bill, property tax or any kind of government dues, in a bid to ease troubles of the common man in wake of the demonetisation of high denomination notes.
"Prime Minister Narendra Modi's decision is revolutionary. There is no reason to panic. Let's all together fight this war against corruption and black money," the CM had said.
He had also asked people to continue with their routine works and quelled their panic saying that common man need not worry as the money earned through legal means is safe.