Union Minister of State for Railways Manoj Sinha, who was here to highlight the achievements of BJP-led NDA government and lay foundation stone for shade of DEMU trains, also said that the ministry was sensitive towards safe and smooth travel of passengers.
He said passengers reach their destination safely was a priority and maximum facilities were being provided by increasing the frequency of rail traffic.
Sinha said passengers reach their destination safely was government's priority and maximum facilities were being provided by increasing the frequency of trains.
The government has set a target of Rs 8.5 lakh crore investment during its tenure of five years.
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The minister, who was here to highlight one year achievements of BJP-led NDA government and lay foundation stone of shade of DEMU trains, said the ministry was sensitive towards safe and smooth travel of passengers.
He said that Rs 37.4 crore would be spent on building the DEMU shade.
He said that 10 DEMU trains would operate in place of 32 passenger trains operated by Izzatnagar division and it would be a gift to the people.