A "right-of-the-centre" voice in the party, Vishwas also targeted Delhi Police, saying it is often quick to take action against "set targets" in an apparent reference to his Aam Aadmi Party. Police should rather act quick in the JNU matter and "detain anti-nationals", he said.
"This is high time India as a system sets an example by punishing all those who have shouted/supported anti-India slogans in JNU... Indian rule of law has set sections against such activities. The GOI (Government of India) should take stern action against these anti-national minds.
On the anniversary of execution of Guru, a group of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students on Tuesday held an event on the campus and shouted slogans against his hanging, despite the varsity administration having cancelled the permission following a complaint by ABVP members, who termed the activity as "anti-national".
Following the uproar, Delhi Police yesterday registered a case of sedition in connection with the case on complaints of BJP MP Mahesh Girri and ABVP.