Coming down heavily on mobile operators, Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said they have been provided "ample amount of spectrum" and it was their "job and responsibility" to upgrade the networks.
However, he agreed that the limited availability of sites for putting up mobile towers on radiation and other concerns was affecting the service quality -- a reason often cited by telecom operators for the call drops.
Asked if there will be any penalty levied on telecom operators for call drops, Prasad said: "We have sent request to TRAI to make a structure of incentive and disincentive."
While TRAI is empowered to lay down standards of quality of service and ensuring that they are followed, "the issue of call drops has remained a matter of serious concern and government is of the opinion that the efforts of TRAI would need to be supplemented with action by the Department (of Telecom)", Prasad said at a press conference.
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"I have directed the Department to conduct a special audit of quality of service parameters focussed on network performance. It will be done by TERM (Telecom Enforcement, Resource and Monitoring) cell of our Department," he said.
The audit will help in understanding the problem, nature of standards being maintained and also suggest how the situation can be improved, he added.
The minister, who took a review of the issue, said the rapid growth of data traffic in cities and sharp growth in smartphones had led to congestion in the telecom networks.
Citing various court rulings and World Health Organisation findings, he said the "issue of call drops and campaign to remove BTS' (mobile towers) cannot go on hand in hand. If anyone is willing to suggest any tangible evidence of adverse effect from radiation, then I am going to look into it. The issue is not whether there is radiation or not, the issue is whether it is dangerous or not.