"Domestic procurement of pulses has been undertaken including from farmers. Till now, a total of 50,424.07 tonnes of tur and urad from kharif marketing season 2015-16 and 11,754.06 tonnes of chana and masur from rabi marketing season 2016-17 have already been procured," Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha.
In addition, imports have been contracted for about 13,500 tonnes of tur and 12,500 tonnes of urad, the Minister added.
"There has been a strict vigilance by the government to prevent importers from misusing the facilities of Customs Bonded Warehousing facility. Domestic searches and surveys have also been conducted on a number of importers, traders and financiers engaged in pulses trade," Paswan said.
The country is estimated to have produced 17 million tonnes of pulses in the 2015-16 crop year as against the annual demand of 21-22 million tonnes. The shortfall is met through imports, largely by private traders.