Minister of State for AYUSH, Shripad Yesso Naik said that the enforcement of regulatory provisions for ayurveda, siddha, unani, and homoeopathy medicines is presently vested with state governments but there is no separate regulatory authority at the central level.
"Therefore, considering the distinct nature of ayurvedic, siddha, unani, and homoeopathy medicines and huge size of its industry, the Government, on recommendation of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Consultative Committee, has moved a proposal to set up a separate central authority," the minister said in a reply in Lok Sabha.
The objective is to oversee the implementation of relevant provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and develop improved coordination between central and state regulatory authorities for effective quality control of AYUSH drugs.
Final decision in this regard has not yet been taken, the minister added.
Naik also gave details of action initiated against the offenders regarding spurious, sub-standard, adulterated and expired AYUSH medicines reported and investigated.