Chief Information Commissioner Rajiv Mathur relinquished his charge today. A former chief of Intelligence Bureau (IB), he had taken over as sixth Chief Information Commissioner on May 22, this year.
The appointment of the CIC head has to be done by President Pranab Mukherjee on the recommendation of a three-member selection committee headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and comprising LoP and a Union Cabinet Minister to be nominated by Modi.
The CIC will function without its chief as there is no provision in the Right to Information (RTI) Act about handing over the charge to any Information Commissioner, they said.
As per the RTI Act, if "the Leader of Opposition in the House of the People has not been recognised as such, the leader of the single largest group in opposition of the Government in the House of the People shall be deemed to be the Leader of Opposition".
In a related development, the Supreme Court today decided to go into the issue of interpreting the provision of Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha in the matter of selection of statutory bodies when there is no recognised LoP.
Asking the government to make its stand clear within two weeks, a bench headed by Chief Justice R M Lodha emphasised the importance of the post saying Leader of Opposition conveys the voice of representation different from government in the House.