As Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa's health continues to be critical, Union Minister Kiren Rijiju on Monday said the state may require extra forces, which the Home Ministry will be ready to put on standby "whenever" they are required.
The Union Minister of State for Home Affairs said the Centre cannot intervene on its own but is willing to send extra forces to Tamil Nadu if the state asks for it.
"They haven't asked anything formally," Rijiju said, adding that the state has a significant number of central forces.
"If there is a law and order situation then the Centre is always willing to send extra forces. It is our primary duty to ensure that the state is being helped in whatever possible way they require.
"Because of the prevailing health condition of the Chief Minister (Jayalalithaa) they may require extra forces which the Home Ministry will be ready to be put on standby, whenever and whatever they require," the minister said.
He, however, said the Centre "cannot intervene on our its own".
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Rijiju said the state has a significant number of central forces and whenever a need arises, it is calibrated and forces are sent.
Information and Broadcasting Minister Venkaiah Naidu said he spoke to Tamil Nadu Governor C Vidyasagar Rao and Chief Secretary and enquired about Jayalalithaa's health.