Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari said, "The CRRI will identify the regular accident spots in the capital and find out road infrastructure deficiencies which are major cause of recurring of accidents at same spots, as per a statement from CRRI.
It will also suggest engineering interventions for implementation of appropriate improvement measures to curtail accidents at the same spots, he said.
Gadkari said though a some black spots have already been identified, accident spots keep changing.
He said similar funds will be offered to various states in the country to identify black spots and find engineering measures to rectify them. The Road Ministry will provide 50 per cent of the cost for road engineering measures to the states.
Yesterday, Gadkari also launched a road safety website. India at present accounts for the highest number of road accidents in the world. In India, about five lakh road accidents take place every year, in which 1.50 lakh people lose their lives.