The accused, Tej Bhadur Singh, a teacher at government upper primary school, allegedly molested girl students for over three months and threatened them of dire consequences if they disclosed the incident outside, Jai Prakesh Baniwal, SHO of R K Puram police station said.
One of the students mustered courage and narrated the incident to her parents. After which incidents of molestation with other girls also surfaced, Station House Officer said.
The girls had reportedly complained the matter to other female teachers but instead of taking any action, they asked the girls to keep quite for the sake of reputation, Baniwal said.
The investigation into the matter is underway but he has not been arrested so far, the SHO said.
Entire staff of the school has been removed and they have been put on APO, Kota District Education Officer (Elementary Setup) Kishan Lal Devatwal said, adding that the step was taken on demand of the parents.