Raising the issue during Zero Hour, Veer Singh (BSP) said while government schools lacked adequate amenities, the standard of education was poor, forcing many students not to pursue their studies there.
"The central government should help improve the conditions in government primary schools due to which children of poor sections have to suffer the most," he said, adding that this was the reason why private schools were being preferred.
C P Thakur (BJP), while lamenting the plight of government schools and education standards, said primary students pursuing studies in Hindi medium were put at a disadvantage as they had to go for English medium in higher class.
In another mention, Mansukhlal Mandaviya (BJP) said DRDO scientists were "demoralised" as there was delay in grant of patents for their research work in comparison to their foreign counterparts.
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"They get demoralised as it takes several years for getting a patent. Our scientists conduct research but due to delays in getting patents, scientists of other nations get their patents registered," he said, seeking the intervention of the government in the matter.
Motilal Vora (Cong) raised the issue of making non- vegetarian cooking compulsory in hotel management courses due to which many students could not take them up.