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Govt sets foodgrain production target at record 298.3 mn tons for 2020-21 crop year

Press Trust of India New Delhi
Last Updated : Apr 16 2020 | 12:56 PM IST

The agriculture ministry aims to increase foodgrain production by 6.35 million tonnes to record 298.3 million tonnes in the 2020-21 crop year riding high on hopes of normal monsoon.

The foodgrain output in the 2019-20 crop year (July-June) is estimated at an all-time high 291.95 million tonnes, as per the second advance estimates released by the ministry in February.

"IMD has forecast the June to September southwest monsoon rainfall over the country as a whole is likely to be normal. This augurs well for rain-fed kharif crops," Agriculture Commissioner S K Malhota said at a national level video conference organised to plan for sowing of kharif (summer) crops.

In view of COVID-19 lockdown, Malhotra informed state governments about the exemptions given for farm activities and the need to follow social distancing and sanitisation during the sowing of kharif crops.

He said the sowing of kharif crops has already begun in some parts of the country and shared the foodgrain production target set for the 2010-21 crop year.

The ministry has set a target of 149.92 million tonnes of foodgrains production in the kharif (summer) season and 148.4 million tonne in the rabi (winter) season, taking the total foodgrain target to record 298.3 million tonnes in the 2020-21 crop year, he said.

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First Published: Apr 16 2020 | 12:56 PM IST

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