Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) said that the developed world has failed to take the lead in solving the problem and the world can only come together if global negotiations are based on the principles of "fairness and equity".
"The IPCC report is a clear warning against inaction. However, it also says that the world can come together and take on this challenge. But the world can only come together if the global negotiations are based on the principles of fairness and equity," said Sunita Narain, Director General, CSE.
Earth is now on a trajectory for at least 4 C warming by 2100 over pre-industrial times -- a recipe for worsening drought, flood, rising seas and species extinctions.
It said that since 1970, total carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels and cement production have tripled while emissions from forestry and other land use have risen by about 40 per cent.
CSE said that its analysis shows that a fair deal would require developed countries to reduce their emissions substantially by 2030. However, no developed country has announced ambitious emission cut targets.