Information and Broadcasting Minister M Venkaiah Naidu said the government has the highest regard for the judiciary and is committed to address the shortage of judges in High Courts.
In a statement here, he said the process of appointment of judges would continue even while the new Memorandum of Protocol for such appointments is under consideration.
"The government, in collaboration with the Apex Court, would sincerely endeavor for an early conclusion of the new MoP in the larger interest of transparency and objectivity," Naidu said.
The minister said the government is committed to address the shortage of judges in High Courts.
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While hitting out at Congress for attacking it over the vacancies, Naidu said the Modi government has approved over 200 new posts over the last two years as against only 20 posts of judges created during 2009-14 when UPA was in power.
"It is a recorded history that the Congress party has done the singular damage to democracy and one of its important pillar of Judiciary during its long rule.
"It badly bruised democracy through brazen violation of fundamental rights of citizens by clamping emergency and clearly stated in the Supreme Court that the citizen had no remedy even if shot at by a police officer.
Naidu recalled that following "widely expressed concern
over lack of transparency and objectivity" in the selection of judges of High Courts and the Supreme Court, Parliament had unanimously passed an Act for setting up of the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC).
The Apex Court, however, in its wisdom struck down this legislation last year after hearings during April-December, he noted.
"I would like to remind the Congress, in case it has forgotten, that it had supported the NJAC proposal," the I&B Minister said.
As per the direction of the Apex Court, the government is working on a revised Memorandum of Protocol in this regard and the same is under the consideration of the Supreme Court for over the last two months, Naidu said.
"Congress party needs to know that a large number of judges have been appointed to the High Courts during the last two years and this was acknowledged by the Hon'ble Chief Justice of India during the hearing yesterday," he said.
"If the nine-month period of hearing on NJAC proposal, during when no appointments were made, is excluded, the rate of appointment of judges by this government has increased by 63 per cent, which is no mean achievement," Naidu said.
"Vacancies remained more or less the same despite increase in posts and no appointment during hearing on NJAC," he said.
"Congress party should realize and acknowledge the same after perusing the following information regarding vacant posts of High Court Judges," he said while giving a breakup of vacancies per year from 2008 till 2016.
In 2015, 78 new posts were created and in 2016, 138 posts were created, Naidu said.
Hence, the vacancies were 268 out of 984 posts in 2015 and 286 out of 1044 posts in 2016, he said, adding the total strength increased "substantially" in last two years.
"During such time, I would urge upon the Congress party to stop quoting scriptures as it has no moral right to do so," he added.
"The Government of India assures the nation that it has the highest consideration and respect for judiciary," he said.