Calling it a "big failure" of the Narendra Modi government, the former Chief Financial Officer of the Bengaluru-headquartered information technology major said better intelligence and prosecution are needed to achieve the objective as the present law is "unworkable".
"The whole black money strategy has been a joke. The law (to unearth black money) is badly drafted and it is unworkable. Nobody will pay 60 per cent tax to stay in this country. And secondly, your black money action should be based on better policy and better intelligence," Pai, currently chairman of Manipal Global Education Services, told PTI in an interview.
"Black money is not waiting in foreign banks for you to go and get information and do. There are sophisticated structures; government should find out what these structures are, who is doing it and how it's being done," Pai, who was a member of the Kelkar Committee on reforming direct taxes, added.
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though Finance Minister Arun Jaitley continues to say that it's stopping, Pai alleged.
"It (tax terrorism) is still continuing at the grass-roots level. (Tax) disputes have gone up to unprecedented levels. They (the government) have to clean up the whole system; and that (tax terrorism) is stopping investments," he said.
Speaking on areas where the Government has not "done well" during 18-months in office, he said it should work very closely with States because it's where the action is; not at the Centre.
"The Centre passes a policy and the States have to implement it...Many of the States have become laggards," he said.
"Reservation for the private sector is a bad idea. It's a concept by failed politicians. Because they have failed in their work they want to make others suffer. That's a bad concept," he added.