Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said in Lok Sabha that the previous UPA government had not taken any concrete steps to bring back Lalit Modi, who is facing money laundering charges, as the Congress-led dispensation was on the "wrong route".
He said Lalit Modi was not a "fugitive" in law when Swaraj had spoken to British authorities with regard to his travel documents and had become so only on August 5 when the present government obtained a warrant from a Mumbai court.
Jaitley said Congress had made "mountain of what was not even a mole hill" by raising only "hollow slogans" and ensuring a washout of Parliament session.
Taking at dig at Congress Vice President who had raised various issues during his brief speech, Jaitley said, "the difficulty with Rahul Gandhi is that he is an expert without knowledge."
He used this as a handle apparently to hit out at Nehru-Gandhi dynasty as he said, "There are still many honest people whose children have to work for a living. For generations, generation of the family who have dominated this country's politics have not worked for a living. They have learnt the art of living comfortably without working. Some of us are not.