"In Puducherry as many as 3.02 lakh households will be covered under this scheme by this month", he said, after presenting a Rs 6,100 crore tax free budget for the financial year 2014-15.
Listing out some of the budget proposals to be taken by his Government in the current year, Rangasamy said approval of the Standing Committee of Central Electrical Authority was received for setting up of a 230 KV line from Neyveli Lignite Corporation.
Aimed at upgrading the infrastructure facilities, he announced a Rs 1,510 crore project that include development of roads at Rs 609 crore across the Union Territory, a Rs 600 crore drinking water scheme, an underground drainage scheme at Rs 140 crore and a storm water discharge and flood control scheme at Rs 161 crore.
With support from the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, he said, a modern tool room with infrastructure facilities would be set up at Rs 100 crore.
He said till August 2014, the Government has mopped up Rs 399 crore revenue collected through Value Added Tax while it was Rs 119 crore under the Central Sales Tax.
After the Chief Minister presented the budget Speaker V Sabapathy adjourned the proceedings to tomorrow.