"Provisional indirect tax collections show that the department will miss revised estimate of indirect tax collection target by about Rs 17,648 crore," Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) chairperson J M Shanti Sundaram told CNBC-TV18.
"I think reasons are also there. The growth in manufacturing sector and other sectors have not been good. That has already been in papers so inspite of that we have done the best we could do," she added.
As per the Budget Estimate, it was Rs 5,65,252 crore.
On Parthasarathi Shome headed Tax Administration Reform Commission (TARC) proposal of amalgamation of Direct Tax and Indirect Tax Departments, Sundaram said: "Any suggestion by TARC, which would impact the structure of the collecting agencies, the two departments (CBDT and CBEC), I think, are need to be viewed with little care and would in fact I think would be beyond the mandate of TARC itself."
TARC set up by the Finance Ministry to suggest measures to prevent economic offences among other things is looking into amalgamation of Direct Tax and Indirect Tax Departments.