"The government will support through technology initiatives, enabling environment as well as through financial support for exports across the world," Commerce Secretary Rita Teaotia said here at the 'India Telecom 2016' function.
The statement assumes significance as the country's exports are declining since December 2014.
She further said that India will "certainly" engage in trade agreements with other countries to boost commerce.
The government has implemented free trade agreements with Japan, South Korea and others, and has been negotiating similar pacts with its trading partners including Australia, Canada and the European Union.
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"The commitment of the government to promote quality products and to support exports...Are strong," she added.
India's exports contracted for the 13th month in a row, dipping about 15 per cent in December 2015 to USD 22.2 billion due to steep decline in engineering and petroleum shipments.
The total exports in 2015-16 will thus be lower than the previous fiscal's figure of USD 310.5 billion.