Addressing the 5th edition of 'Bangalore Nano' conference and exhibition here, he said currently the expenditure on science and technology is 0.9 per cent of GDP and quoted the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as saying that he would like to boost it to two per cent but with "certain conditionalities".
"Government is willing to go up to one per cent provided (an additional) one per cent comes from the private sector and public sector in terms of research inputs," said Kasturirangan, a former Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation.
So, there is a dialogue in process with eminent scientist Prof C N R Rao, Chairman of Science Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, playing a key role in bringing both public and private industry into an arrangement with Government for that.
Government wants the industries to be a stakeholder in promoting science and technology, offer "matching funds" (one per cent of GDP) and encourage research in the country, he said.
Kasturirangan said there are several models that are in the process of being examined, to boost spending on science and technology right up to two per cent of the GDP, which he termed as a "distinct possibility" for the 12th plan.
He further said, India would have "aggressive collaboration" with many foreign countries and agencies in expanding the country's own role in the area of cutting edge of science and technology.
Prof C N R Rao on the occasion also spoke about the "exciting and amazing" developments in the area of nano science and technology, and referred to "nano nose", a tool developed in Israel to diagnose breast cancer.
He said people with breast cancer breathe out "unique molecules" which is detected by nano nose, a tool that's in final stage of trial in the Jewish state. He also touched upon research in the US, where scientists are working on targeting cancer cells through "localisation" using nano particles and burning them (such cells). (MORE)