Basic Customs Duty is being increased for primary aluminium from 5 per cent to 7.5 per cent and that on aluminium products from 7.5 per cent to 10 per cent, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said while delivering his Budget speech for 2016-17 in the Lok Sabha today.
Last week, the Parliamentary Committee on Public Enterprises had recommended the government to raise import duty on aluminium and raised "serious concerns" on "adverse impact" of cheaper imports on the profitability of state-owned Nalco.
These factors have led to Nalco and other domestic firms running up losses as well as losing the drive to increase their capacity utilisation since investments on the same are not likely to lead to profits, it added.
As a result, companies like Nalco are going for cost-cutting measures as well as retrenchments and laying off workers to survive, it pointed out.