Minister for Urban Development, Housing and Poverty Alleviation M Venkaiah Naidu said the Real Estate Bill, which was passed by Parliament, was notified on May 1 and now requires the state government to make model rules and set up a Real Estate Regulatory Authority.
"We have received thousands of emails and messages from across the country, from Gurgaon, Nodia (about consumers getting cheated by real estate developers)," Naidu said in the Lok Sabha during his reply to a debate on Demand of Grants for his ministry which was later passed by the House.
Consumers are being cheated by "fly-by-night operators", the Minister said, adding "I would like to warn (real estate developers) with strictest action.... They should not take consumers for a ride."
At the same time, he said, "I would also like to tell the builders that the passage of the (real estate) bill does not mean strangulation, but it is a regulation."
He also said it is the states which should now make "Model Rules" and appoint a regulatory authority and that the state government should also notify it by October 30.