Asking Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan to consider banning 10-year-old diesel vehicles from plying on the roads, the green panel said "the time has come when all concerned authorities must show concern to improve the ambient air quality in their states."
The NGT directed that every state committee should, in their first meeting, notify one district where land use of agriculture is high and make it a model district for implementing orders to stop stubble burning.
Terming as "severe" levels of pollution when PM 10 and PM 2.5 are above 431 and 251 micrograms per cubic metre respectively in the ambient air, it said when air pollution takes such alarming proportions, immediate steps are needed to be taken as environmental emergency.
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"In such emergency, states shall immediately provide happy seeders or other such machines in agriculture fields for removal of agriculture residue and incentives should be provided to farmers to sell their paddy straw to biomass plants, industries and board making unit.
areas had reached "new heights" in the last 10 days affecting public health of all generations without exception and was detrimental to the school children, infants, office-goers and poor strata of society.
In the hearing which went on for three hours, the tribunal also directed the state governments to issue guidelines on "manufacture, sale and burning" of crackers and issue directions with regard to the noise caused by them and the extent of smoke which emanated from the fireworks.
"If thermal power plants, hot mix plants and brick kilns are found to be emitting pollution more than the prescribed standards during an emergency situation, they should be shut down temporarily till they reduce the level of emissions," the bench said.
The NGT rapped five northern states and said all of them, especially Punjab, have not been able to implement the orders of the tribunal in true letter and spirit.
"It is conceded that 70 per cent of the land covered by agricultural activity was put on fire by the farmers of Punjab who burnt agricultural residue. Similarly in Haryana, burning of crops took place as well.
The green panel directed the inter-state central monitoring committee and state committees to enforce their orders on vehicular pollution, dust pollution, solid waste and crop burning.
The NGT asked the municipal corporations, Public Works
Department, Delhi Development Authority and other authorities to maintain green cover near flyovers and other government buildings.
"The public authorities shall ensure that waste dumping sites are not put to fire and social awareness is created about the ill effects of air pollution," it said.
"The children of our society have a right to breathe clean air and play in the open rather than being forced to remain shut inside their houses. Time has come when all concerned authorities must show concern to improve the ambient air quality in these states and more particularly Delhi," the bench said.
While the central monitoring committee would meet once in two months starting from November 17, the state level committees would conduct meetings every month starting November 24, the green panel directed.