Liquor worth Rs 85 lakh was seized and an illegal alcohol-manufacturing unit busted in separate incidents in Greater Noida within 24 hours, police said on Monday.
Four persons were arrested in connection with the incidents that took place in Badalpur, Dadri and Jarcha police station areas, while two managed to flee, the police said.
The illegal unit was found operating from a godown along the Bisrakh road. A variety of liquor bottles from various states valued at around Rs 20 lakh in total were found stored in the godown, a police spokesperson said.
"There was also material for manufacturing illicit liquor. Twenty kg urea was also seized from the godown besides 5,000 litre water and liquor of various brands," the spokesperson added.
Two men, Sunil Kumar and Gaurav Gupta, both residents of Ghaziabad, were arrested from the spot, while their two accomplices managed to escape, the official said.
Seven vehicles used for transporting the illegal liquor to and fro the godown were also impounded, the police said.
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In the other incident in Jarcha area, a truck driver was arrested after 500 cartons of a whiskey brand were recovered from the vehicle, the spokesperson said.
"Driver Manjeet, a native of Haryana, was unable to explain the presence of the huge quantity of liquor, valued at Rs 30 lakh and hence arrested," he said.
Another man was held by the police from Dadri police station during patrolling when it seized 1,000 cartons of a whiskey brand from a truck.
"Driver Anil, a native of Haryana, was arrested after he too did not have any response to the presence of the liquor on his truck," he said, adding, the alcohol seized was valued at Rs 35 lakh.
Police cases have been registered in all three cases at police stations concerned and legal proceedings were underway, the spokesperson said.