Congratulating Kej on his grand win, Modi said, "Heartiest Congratulations Ricky, this is an award not only for you but for India."
After meeting the PM, an ecstatic Kej said, "I have always believed and respected our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. After meeting him, I am in complete awe of him. I am so humbled by his simplicity and graciousness. He inspires me even more now to achieve greater heights and reach out and expand Indian Music landscape far and wide!"
Kej earlier this year won the the Grammys for his album "WINDS OF SAMSARA", based on the ideals of peace by Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. He is the youngest Indian to win the Grammy.
Kej is the first ever Grammy Winner to recite a Sanskrit Shloka in his acceptance speech which was telecast Live and he even praised the PM on stage for his "great initiatives".
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He specially composed and produced a version of the National Anthem for the PM which he gifted exclusively to him at the meeting, it said. He also gave sandalwood idols of Lord Krishna, Mahatma Gandhi and a copy of Bhagawad Geetha as a symbolic gesture connecting Narendra
Kej has also won 2 Zone Music Reporter awards held at New Orleans and 2 SAMA (South African Music Awards) from South Africa.