Its total income during the period under review increased to Rs 317.47 crore from Rs 204.38 crore in Q4 last year, registering a 55.33 per cent rise, a statement issued here today stated.
Growth was driven by strong performances across all manufacturing facilities including the company's Chinese joint venture, the release said.
For the entire year, the company posted a 131 per cent increase in profit at Rs 75.23 and a revenue growth of 43.36 per cent at Rs 1,095.86 crore compared to Rs 764.37 crore and Rs 32.56 crore, respectively.
The primary growth driver in FY14 was led by the commercialisation of PFI (pharmaceutical formulation intermediates) and finished dosage expansion at the Gagillapur facility, he said.
Besides, the company also improved utilisation in the newly expanded facility throughout the year and expects to continue improving utilisation in the future. In addition, the API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) facilities continued to increase production which contributed to strong sales.