This implies that the GESCO London would be shut down. The entity would cease to exist officially once its name is struck off from the Register. Currently, the entity does not conduct any business activities.
"The company has decided to voluntarily strike off The Great Eastern Shipping Co London Ltd (GESCO London), a wholly- owned subsidiary of the company, from the Companies Register in UK," GE Shipping said in a filing to the BSE.
"GESCO London had a net worth of USD 1.14 million as on March 31, 2015 and a loss of USD 37,809 for the year ended on that date," the filing said.
GE Shipping is India's largest private sector shipping service provider enjoying a formidable presence in the international maritime industry.
The company said a sizeable part of the tankers enjoy approvals from oil giants like Shell, BP, Exxonmobil and Texaco, among others.