Facing a self-imposed Sunday deadline, the eurozone's top official, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, said the sides have "come a long way" after two days of talks among finance ministers, but that the final effort on "some big issues" would be handled by eurozone leaders in a summit which was expected to go into the night.
Underscoring the optimism despite the often fundamental differences among the leaders, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said "we are very close."
In a four-page draft proposal put to eurozone leaders and obtained by The Associated Press, language up for discussion spoke of a potential "time out from the euro area" for Greece if no agreement could be found.
It highlighted the increasing frustration with Greece during five months of fruitless talks. Today, doubts on the Greek government's commitment to implement tough measures continued.
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In the draft document, Greece committed itself to pushing a first set of measures through parliament by Wednesday. Despite the stinging conditions on pension, market and privatisation reforms, Tsipras insisted his government was ready to clinch a deal.
"We owe that to the peoples of Europe who want Europe united and not divided," he said. "We can reach an agreement tonight if all parties want it."
Greece has asked Europe's bailout fund for a 53.5 billion-euro (USD 59.5 billion) 3-year financial package but many officials in Brussels say the figure will have to be much higher and insist on tough Greek austerity measures. This would be Greece's third bailout in five years.