"Green shoots are emerging in the power sector due to the Indian government's FY13 and FY14 policy measures towards solving two key issues - fuel risk and poor financial health of state power utilities," the Fitch Group company said in a statement.
According to the firm, the past three years (FY11-FY13) were the worst for the sector due to the weak financial health of state utilities on account of tariffs that did not reflect cost, reliance on short-term power that is usually costlier, high aggregate technical and commercial losses and delayed receipts of subsidy.
Initiatives taken to improve coal availability for power plants include the the Presidential directive issued to Coal India to sign fuel supply agreements (FSAs) with power producers, fast-tracking mine clearances and action against non-serious captive coal block developers.
The risk of fuel prices is likely to become manageable for utilities after the government allowed them to pass on higher costs of imported coal to customers, India Ratings said.