The 51-year-old actor said the next film in the series will not be a remake, but a new instalment, and he has a "decent chance" to feature in it, reported Digital Spy.
"It's not going to be a reboot. It will not be a remake in any way, shape, or form," Galligan said.
"So the only thing they will be and apparently are going to be doing is something along the lines of like 'Jurassic World,' where it will be 30 years later," he added.
The actor said that events in the third movie will be linked to the first film, and some of the characters are expected to return back.
"Hopefully they won't use too much CGI, or the CGI will be really good like the Planet of the Apes movies, and hopefully we'll have some practical effects too," he said.
"Gremlins" is a 1984 American comedy horror film directed by Joe Dante and released by Warner Bros.