Criticising the "vague" report filed by the expert committee, a bench headed by NGT chairperson Justice Swatanter Kumar directed the secretaries of the Environment and the Irrigation and Flood Control departments, along with the CEO of Delhi Jal Board (DJB), the Deputy Commissioner of Revenue of South West District and the Chairman of the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) to present themselves before itself.
Denying the request of the counsel for Delhi government to not call the officials, the bench said, "Once we have them here, they would know how to act in the future.
"Let the members of the committee be present before the Tribunal on the next date of hearing," it added.
It also pulled up Delhi government, which had placed the report before it.
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"All that the report says is that a sub-committee has been appointed and various departments will look into various matters and for this four months time has been sought," the bench said.
"We had asked for an interim report which would at least deal with the menace of illegal and unauthorised extraction of underground water and suggest immediate measures required for checking it," it added.