During the clash between members of Koli and Bharwad communities at Morthala village which falls under Thangadh tehsil, two policemen also sustained injuries, said Thangadh Police Sub Inspector P G Gohil.
"The situation is now under control. Members of Koli and Bharwad came face to face and engaged in stone pelting. Two policemen were also injured. We have fired around 10 tear gas shells and also arrested 25 persons of both the communities," said Gohil.
"Sporadic instances of violence have been happening in that area after that murder. Both Kolis and Bharwads are attacking each other. Violent mobs have also set several shops and vehicles on fire during last 3-4 days. Large number of policemen are deployed in that area to douse the situation," said control rook official Indrasinh Parmar.