"Few days ago a girl named Parveen Akhtar was admitted in the hospital, following a head injury she received in an accident. She was in a critical condition and was shifted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the hospital" Doctor Rohit Lahori, Registrar in the department of ICU, said.
He said that the girl's parents were not in a position to bear the cost of her treatment, so the group (of doctors) called 'CAUSE' decided to adopt her and take care of her medical expenditure.
CAUSE, an organisation to help the patients coming from economically weaker section of the society was launched in 2014 by the doctors of the anesthesia and ICU department of the government medical college Jammu.
"Since its formation several patients belonging to weaker section of the society have been adopted by the organisation and its has taken care of their medical expenses" he said.