"Global Road Technology (GRT) India's operation today announced it had secured its first National Highway project in India. GRT will be working for lead Contractor Soma Enterprises under their concessionaire subsidiary; Soma-Isolux Varanasi-Aurangabad Tollway," the company said in a statement.
It said GRT will start work this month with the six-lane construction of Varanasi-Aurangabad section on NH-2 in Uttar Pradesh.
The contract will enable GRT to deliver its advanced Concrete Treated Base (CTB), Cold-In-Place-Recycling (CIPR) and Foamed Bitumen technology for the first time in India for NHAI work, putting GRT at the forefront of new road technology delivery in India, the statement said.
Cold In-Place Recycling is a road rehabilitation technique that reduces the life cycle cost of the road structure by reusing the existing asphalt. It is a cost effective rehabilitation alternative to traditional reconstruction methods due to its comparatively low cost, higher life cycle, and ease of construction.
"Our technology will enable us to deliver the scale and scope of works in short timeframes never before seen in India. No longer will India settle for bygone era techniques and a new found demand for quality and speed is emerging," James added.