"The scheme has been launched in Vyara village of Waghodiya taluka in Vadodara. The main purpose of this scheme is to spread awareness for solar pumps among farmers and encourage them to use of them for drip irrigation," company Chairman and Managing Director S K Nanda told PTI.
As per the scheme, two lakh hectare land will be added to drip irrigation every year. It will offer solar pumps and drip set packages to state's farmers under the package.
Also, GSFC (a public sector undertaking company) is planning to launch this package in Uttar Pradesh after Maharashtra, he said.
Like Gujarat and Maharashtra, many other states have been encouraging farmers to use solar power pumps for irrigation. The use of renewable energy is an ideal method to uplift water for irrigation, sanitation and many other purposes.
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India is all set to scale up the use of solar energy pumping systems by taking a number of steps to make it more than 10 per cent of the energy mix by 2020, Nanda added.
On drip irrigation through solar pumps, Nanda said, "Solar drip-irrigation system is a great help for those farmers who are beyond the reach of grid power supply."
If this system is maintained and operated well, it can be a great asset for different crop production. It is more beneficial for vegetable production because it allows controlled water supply to the farms, he said.
This system, Nanda said, can be controlled with a control panel that reduce labour and other costs. It is an adaptable system and can be applied easily in any field.
Giving details on how solar pump works, Nanda said, "in case of solar water pumps attached Solar Photovoltaic (PV) converts solar energy into electricity that runs the pump to circulate water with pressure. This system has no moving parts and is less expensive for big farm holdings.