The Gujarat government on Wednesday moved a plea in a sessions court here seeking revocation of bail granted to Patidar leader Alpesh Kathiriya in a sedition case related to the 2015 quota agitation on the ground that he violated certain bail conditions.
The Patidar quota agitation in August 2015 resulted in widespread violence, leaving 14 people dead.
Kathiriya was granted bail by the Gujarat High Court in November last year in the sedition case filed by the Ahmedabad crime branch.
The state in its plea referred to Kathiriya's spat with traffic police in Surat on December 27 last year as one of the grounds for cancellation of his bail, public prosecutor Sudhir Brahmbhatt said.
The plea is likely to come up before additional sessions judge B J Ganatra on September 13, he said.
Kathiriya, a leader of the Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PAAS) and an associate of Hardik Patel, who later joined the Congress, was booked in two sedition cases in Ahmedabad and Surat along with Patel and others.
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They all were subsequently arrested and later granted bail.
In the case lodged in Ahmedabad, Kathiriya was granted bail by the high court in November last year, which the government now seeks to revoke.
The Surat police earlier moved a similar plea, seeking cancellation of his bail granted by a court there on December 3 last year, on similar grounds that he got into a spat with the traffic police and hence, violated the bail condition.
The high court granted him relief on July 31 this year after the local court revoked his bail, but with certain conditions, including that he cannot enter Surat district for next six months.